860-338-1484 (primary) or 860-961-6280 valdinardo@charter.net

DiNardo Painting are interior and exterior house painting contractors serving Meriden, CT an surrounding areas of New Haven County. We specialize in painting residential properties and offer a range of tasks related to both the interior and exterior surfaces of houses. Here are the key aspects of our interior and exterior house painting services in Meriden, CT:

Interior House Painting Contractors in Meriden, CT:

  1. Interior Painting Services:
    • We focus on painting the inside of residential properties, including walls, ceilings, trim, doors, and other interior surfaces.
  2. Color Consultation:
    • We offer color consultation services to help homeowners choose the right paint colors that complement their interior design preferences and overall aesthetic.
  3. Surface Preparation:
    • Proper preparation of interior surfaces is crucial for achieving a smooth and long-lasting finish. This may involve patching holes, sanding, priming, and addressing any imperfections in the walls or ceilings.
  4. Detail Work:
    • We pay attention to detail work, such as cutting in around edges, corners, and trim. We use different techniques and tools to achieve clean lines and a professional appearance.
  5. Protection of Furniture and Flooring:
    • We take measures to protect furniture, flooring, and other belongings within the home. This may include covering surfaces with drop cloths and using painter’s tape to protect adjacent areas.

Exterior House Painting Contractors in Meriden, CT:

  1. Exterior Painting Services:
    • Our exterior painting contractors focus on the outer surfaces of residential properties, including siding, trim, doors, windows, and other exterior elements.
  2. Surface Preparation:
    • Similar to interior painting, proper surface preparation is essential for exterior painting. This may involve power washing, scraping, sanding, and repairing any damaged or deteriorated surfaces.
  3. Weather-Resistant Coatings:
    • Our exterior painters often use weather-resistant paints and coatings to protect the home from the elements, including sunlight, rain, and temperature fluctuations.
  4. Siding and Trim Painting:
    • We are skilled in painting various exterior materials, such as wood, stucco, brick, and siding. They may also paint and refresh trim elements for a cohesive look.
  5. Caulking and Sealing:
    • We perform caulking and sealing to address gaps and cracks, preventing moisture intrusion and improving the overall energy efficiency of the home.
  6. Ladder and Scaffolding Use:
    • Due to the height of exterior surfaces, we often use ladders or scaffolding to reach high areas safely. Safety practices are crucial in exterior painting projects.
  7. Restoration Work:
    • We offer restoration services for older homes, addressing issues like peeling paint, wood rot, or other signs of wear and tear.

Our interior and exterior house painting contractors in Meriden, CT provide specialized services for residential properties. We have expertise in surface preparation, color consultation, and the application of paints and coatings tailored to the specific needs of the interior or exterior of a home. If you are seeking Patios, Walkways, Steps Masonry Contractors, contact A&A Masonry, Co..

Contact us today at 860-338-1484 to schedule a quick no-cost quote! You can click the following link to view 5-star Reviews from some of our satisfied clients