Marlborough, CT | Interior House Painting Project
DiNardo Painting, LLC is licensed, insured, and bonded and have over four decades of experience providing residential and commercial painting services in Marlborough, CT and surrounding towns of; Hebron, East Hampton, Glastonbury, Colchester, Columbia, Bolton, Manchester, Lebanon, Cromwell and beyond! We have built a reputation for being the best interior painting contractors in Marlborough by offering high quality painting services at competitive pricing. We employ a team of experienced painting contractors that are capable of completing your next project on time and budget, with minimal disruption to your home or business activities. We do not use sub-contractors and all work is completed by our team of experienced and professional residential and commercial painters.
At DiNardo Painting, we are confident we will surpass your expectations and help you avoid costly mishaps we often come across caused by “fly-by-night: painters. If you’re looking for the best home painters in Marlborough, you can depend on us to give your home or business the fresh new appearance you are seeking! We have included photos below from a recent interior house painting project we completed in Marlborough, CT. You can click any of the thumbnails below to launch the slideshow. Contact us today at (860) 338-1484, to schedule a no-cost consultation!